This site © Copyright 1997-2025 Kirk D. Keyes Photography, all rights reserved.

This site and text appearing on this site are the exclusive property of Kirk D. Keyes and are protected under the United States and international copyright laws. All images on this site are the property of their respective owners are for on-screen viewing only. No part of this website may be reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated, or used in any form for personal or commercial use without the prior written permission of Kirk D. Keyes.

The use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration is a copyright violation. All mentioned trademarks are the protected trademarks of the respective owners. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these photographs constitutes copyright infringement will be prosecuted to the full extent of federal copyright laws. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute copyrighted materials without the permission of the copyright owner. Accessing text or images found on web sites does not give you any rights to use them as you wish. Only the copyright owner, or the owner’s legal agent, can give permission to distribute, copy, or display copyrighted material.

Non-Commercial, Private Use:

You may download and reprint images and text from for non-commercial, private purposes only. You may not manipulate or alter in any way images or information found on without permission from Kirk D. Keyes or the owner of the copyright. These images are not for redistribution. Acceptable non-commercial, private use:

  • As a screen saver on your personal computer only.
  • In Personal Documents (such as school assignments).
  • Printing out hard copies for personal use.

Non-Acceptable non-commercial, private use:

  • On a Web site – even a personal home page.
  • On newsletters or brochures.
  • Use as packaging or advertising.
  • Resale as part of a collection of digital images.
  • Making screen savers for redistribution of resale.
  • As background art for any Internet or Web-based system.

Obtaining Permission to Reproduce or Reprint Materials

To obtain permission to reprint or reproduce images, text, or materials found on, please send the following information in an e-mail to Kirk D. Keyes.

Please submit the following information:

  1. Your Name.
  2. Your Company Name.
  3. Your address, telephone, and fax numbers.
  4. Title or description and URL information for images or material you wish to use.
  5. Title of your publication and name of publisher or description of your intended use.
  6. Medium in which the material will be used (book, article, advertisement, online, etc.).
  7. Whether the publication will be sold or distributed for free.

All requests will be happily considered.